Introducing Our Newest Board Members

As our work continued to grow over this past year, we quickly realized that it was time to grow our leadership team!

Our board of directors provides important oversight of our organization, helps our team stay on track to meet our mission, and acts as ambassadors for our work throughout the community. Bringing new board members to the team is going to help us continue our work in the Tucson community. Please join us in welcoming:

James Alvarez has lived in Tucson for over thirty years. Although born in South Korea, having spent most of his life in the Old Pueblo, he considers himself an honorary native Tucsonan. James studied Digital Film Arts at Pima Community College and Media and Mass Communications at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. His film and media experience ranges from on-location and studio production to editing and animation. He currently works as a multimedia specialist for the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona, where he produces a wide range of digital media content.

Melissa Buss grew up in Rochester, NY and was always looking for new adventures. When looking forward at school, her passion was to figure out how to serve people in a "high needs" area, which was going to be in an urban center, or the rural US, and then ultimately, internationally. After completion of her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and subsequent residency in Pittsburgh, PA in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, she had found a niche of Physical Therapy that made the whole world an underserved population and she opted for an adventure that brought her to Tucson, AZ. Through many fortuitous circumstances and after many years of being in Tucson, building her home here, Melissa decided to become licensed to do Foster respite and has decided to care for a group of wonderful, and underservered people. Now, Melissa works for BodyCentral Physical Therapy and oversees several of their educational programs. She is excited to join the board of Seeds Community Center to be involved in tangible ways to make others lives better.

Hi, my name is Kyle Haynes. I grew up in Tucson and through my childhood, and eventually my time at the University of Arizona, I developed a sincere love for this city. I currently work as an Operations Manager at an immigration shelter for asylum seekers who come through Tucson from all over the world. I hope to spend my life advocating for the rights of marginalized and systemically disadvantaged communities. I am excited to contribute towards this goal in Tucson to see the next generation thrive in our community.

Howdy! My name is James Wiederstein and I'm a Southern Arizona native and I live in Tucson with my wife and our Pitbull rescue, Lola. I consider myself a snack/food/ice cold beverage connoisseur and love to try new food and drink spots!

I earned an undergraduate degree at the University of Arizona and after college, I worked as a Parent Aid at a local non-profit ministry dealing with foster care and children's services. This experience grew my empathy and helped shape my understanding of the support families need to thrive. I now work as a Finance Business Partner for Roche in Oro Valley and have previous experience in various Finance/Accounting roles. Though my work focuses on processes and many, many spreadsheets, I love to have meaningful interactions with others and make people laugh. I am excited to bring my personal and professional backgrounds to Seeds Community Center to serve its mission of supporting families!


Adjusting to Changes in Routines


Expanding Support for Kinship Youth