Expanding Support for Kinship Youth

Kids thrive when they have
the opportunity to do
something they love.

This sentiment is what first inspired our team to launch the Enrichment Matter Scholarship Fund. Through our scholarship, kinship youth are able to gain access to the opportunity to try an instrument for the first time, join an dance class, or continue to develop their soccer dribbling skills.

So far we’ve covered months of martial arts classes, gymnastic classes, and even parkour sessions. But, we’re just getting started.

We are excited to announce that we are expanding our funding for the Enrichment Matters Scholarship program to cover even more, including additional activities for non-school age children! Our scholarship can now cover things like mommy & me classes or memberships to the zoo, WildKats, or the Children's Museum.

We are committed to supporting the needs of kinship families in Tucson, both the caregivers and the youth who are impacted. Our generous donors help make this possible.


Introducing Our Newest Board Members


Fall 2023 Kinship Dinners