Guardianship vs. Adoption, presented by MyersStickland

At our May kinship dinner, Heather from MyersStrickland law firm helped us better understand the differences between Title 8 guardianship & adoption. We find that many kinship families we come in contact with are steered towards guardianship, and while this may be a good path for some, we learned it isn’t necessarily the best choice for all.

Heather, who has personal experience with kinship care, shared story after story from her own experience as an adoption and reproductive rights attorney to help us understand the pros and cons of each option. We had lots of great discussion and Heather even stayed late to answer all of our questions!

Thank you Heather and team at MyersStrickland for sharing your expertise and time with our kinship families!


Summer 2023 Kinship Dinners


Seeds Community Center Featured on AZPM’s “Arizona Illustrated”