Sharing Love With Those Who Care for Us

Christe LePeau, Executive Director

Sometimes, Valentine's Day gets a bad rap.

It’s been called names like “Singles Awareness Day” or painted as just another holiday focused on making us all spend money unnecessarily.

But just as the messages on candy conversation hearts have adapted over the years, I think the holiday itself has also morphed into one that challenges us all, no matter our “relationship status” to show love to others. 

Inspired by that mindset, we took this opportunity to teach our kinship youth all about showing love, especially to those who care for them on a day to day basis. With our February kinship dinner serendipitously falling during the week of Valentine’s Day, our kids used fingerpaint to make cards to give to the kinship caregiver in their life. 

Acts like these, those small, can be meaningful ways to show gratitude and love to those who support and encourage us to grow.


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