Kinship Family Goals Worksheet - Looking Back and Looking Ahead

As kinship caregivers, what are your family’s goals for 2024? Did you find any habits that helped you and your family in 2023? What support do you need?

During our January Kinship Family Enrichment dinner, we discussed those questions and more as we looked back on the past year and prepared for the new one. It can often be challenging to set aside reflection and planning time amidst the chaos of daily life, but the Seeds Community Center monthly kinship support group dinners give caregivers the chance to do just that.

Group facilitator Becky Schmigdall guided kinship caregivers in this reflection and planning exercise. Want to do your own version at home? Here are the questions the group discussed:

Looking Back at 2023

  • What worked well last year?

  • What do I/we need to let go of?

  • What do I/we need to change or adapt?

Looking Ahead to 2024

What hopes do you have for the following areas of your life?

  • Family - kids and extended family

  • Work and personal growth

  • Personal health or dreams

  • Community support and resources

Download our Looking Back / Looking Ahead worksheet. Write down your answers and use it as a resource throughout the year to help stay on track.


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